We welcome your suggestions to improve our service and there is a suggestion box in the foyer at the surgery.
If you are not satisfied with the service you receive from any member of the practice team, or if you want to make a complaint or compliment, please contact Mrs Faye Killick, Practice Manager, who will note the details and follow the procedure through the proper channels. Details of our complaints procedure can be found here: Complaints Procedure
You can also write to the surgery with a complaint. If you are not happy with the way we handle your complaint, you can contact the Advocacy Service at the Community Health Council on 01639 892271. They will help you to resolve the problem . You can also contact the Local Health Board on 01792 326500.
You can give your views and suggestions on improvements by:
- post to the surgery, marked FAO: Mrs Faye Killick (practice manager); or
- leaving written suggestions in the suggestion box which is located in the foyer at the surgery.